Report a damaged or lost parcel

Contacts for business

Take a look in our Help centre. It’s full of articles and guides that cover most common questions.

If you still need help or can’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to get in touch with us by filling out the relevant contact form. We’re here to assist you!

Request business offer
Request parcel delivery status update
Report a damaged or lost parcel
Request an invoice
Praise an OMNIVA employee

Company information

General information

Omniva LT, UAB
Savanorių ave. 5-1, LT-03116 Vilnius, Lithuania
Aviacijos g. 6, Karmėlava, LT-54460 Kaunas. sav., Lithuania

Registration code


VAT number


Bank details

VAT payer code: LT 100 001 549 013

Bank: “SEB bankas”

Settlement account: LT 06 7044 0600 0472 4666

Business customer service contacts

[email protected]

+370 700 24442

The call and connection fee depends on the tariff applied by the Telia communication operator.

I-V 8.00 – 18.00

VI-VII out of office